Lomi Lomi meaning: to Knead, to work in and out as the paws of a contented cat!!!
For those of us who have the luxury of having a cat that does that, you can understand why I rolled my eyes to the back of my head and almost meowed when I googled the meaning of Lomi Lomi, after Aleksandra, my massage therapist suggested it for my Myoka Sands Spa visit. I had never heard of it but if you read my last blog you know that I have decided to put my trust in my therapist so if she recommends it, I must need it.
In Hawaii, in ancient times, this massage was performed by priests and guardians of mystic knowledge and healing and was performed on the ‘chosen ones’! Oh yes I’ll have some of that please!
When I walked in to the massage room, Aleksandra was wearing a sarong (for freer movement) and she humbly bowed to me (as she had done the previous time) and gave me a brief introduction of what I was to expect and if I am OK with it. This moment between therapist and client is very important because being honest will determine your experience, so don’t shy away from being truthful.
She asked me if I wish to light a candle and set an intention or wish, and if I minded that she starts the massage with a short chant. I was in my comfort zone so of course I said ‘go ahead’ but for those of you who may think they’ll feel uncomfortable, I can maybe tell you to let go a little and relax about it because it’s all for the good of your experience.
This profound massage is one of the oldest and most powerful as it uses long continuous flowing strokes combined with the very loving touch of the masseur to relax and let go. One of the most important things I learnt about today’s massage is that old beliefs, patterns and behaviors that cause limitations are stored not only in our heads but also in the cells of our body! So body work, is of utmost importance if we wish to tackle a problem or blockage that we are facing, be it physical, emotional or mental.
As the work started I began to melt away. If they had blindfolded me before entering the room, I would have thought there were more than one pair of hands working on me! The therapist uses her hands and arms to work but you can also tell that it’s coming straight from her heart. It was so deep that I couldn’t get myself to get up from the couch when my 85 minutes were up! Good job that they have a relaxation room that I could slowly come round in as I sipped on the lemon & cucumber infused water. It’s all in the detail and totality of this Spa’s experience that prompts me to continue making these visits and sharing them with you.
But to conclude… the days following the massage I felt so much movement in my physical body, I had had these tension headaches for weeks before and for the past days they didn’t appear once! I had had nerve pains in my hands from lifting my son, which also seemed to have disappeared. But it was not all rosy I tell you. My bowel movements went a bit crazy and my emotions came gushing out on me! From my knowledge, I know that this is a good sign of blockages having been unblocked and we all know that these blockages in our body, are what cause all kinds of sicknesses if unattended to. So Lomi Lomi Nui Massage it is!
One last thing, we seem to have forgotten the Healing Power of the human touch and how strong it can be in restoring our well-being which is why I am so happy to be able to offer the opportunity to one of you to experience this massage thanks to Myoka Sands Spa! Just LIKE and SHARE… And book yourself in!
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